A Nursery for Bean

A space that I have dreamed of, prayed over, planned for. A space that says “welcome baby- you are home, you are safe, and you are loved.” A space that can help us love on and nurture this little one that is about to come into the world and change ours forever.

Creating this space came with it’s challenges (being overseas and craving American products can be tricky) but I realize we don’t even NEED a nursery- it is a luxury. One we are extremely grateful for. But when I walk into Bean’s room I don’t just see a bunch of stuff we bought- I see gifts from those who already love this baby so much. I see memories being created. I see peace and love and laughter. And maybe a little (or a lot of) poop and some tears too. But this journey we are about to embark on is one God has called us to. One that we are so grateful for and continue to pray for wisdom and guidance for. Thank you Jesus for sending us this sweet growing babe, and blessing us so much that we could create such a lovely first room for this child.

I hope you enjoy the “tour”…


Salzburg, Austria


Baby Makes Three!