Almost There Bosenbach!
Success! We should be in our new rental home by Friday! I spent all afternoon on the phone with the housing office on base going back and forth because… long story short they JUST got our housing contract from the property manager.
But I like long stories, so if you’re like me see below. Speed reader? Skip ahead…
We turned in our housing contract to the housing office on base Friday. They have to approve all off-base housing contracts to make sure everything in line, we are not being ripped off, and that the house is suitable and set at the correct rent (housing sets that believe it or not!). So it was turned in Friday. BUT every 4 years the house has to be inspected annnnnd of course the 4-year inspection fell on Monday. So they inspected the house and added additional fees to our rent for the size of the garage (yes- that’s a thing) and the terrace upstairs. Don’t worry we will get ample use and enjoyment from both.J So my property manager calls back and yesterday we drove over to their office to pick up the new contract. I assumed they emailed the updated contract since they sent the last one over for us. They assume we are bringing it by the housing office. I have now waited 3 days to hear back from housing, and the estimate was 2 days. SO I call back today and of course they don’t HAVE the updated contract. I don’t have my printer and scanner set up yet (obviously it wouldn’t fit in my suitcase, although you know I tried) and the business center is halfway across base and I am in a TLF without a car. SO I call the property manager, she emails it over, I call the housing office back to ensure they received the email. They tell me to call a different office within housing. They tell me to call the other people. (Do you see now how things can take a while in the military?) and…
Pick up here for the short version of the story:
FINALLY I get ahold of the ACTUAL ONE WOMAN who reviews and approves the contracts. She has our new contract on file, reviews it on the spot, sends it over to the department that makes appointments (we have to sign it in front of them) and they call Michael back within the hour and we have an appointment for Friday morning! This is a MIRACLE! What was moving at the pace of sludge just picked up to a mild trot! WOOHOOO!!!! So Friday we will go to our housing appointment, sign the contract, run upstairs to get this awesome form that exempts us from the 19% German utility taxes (I’m sure Germans love us for that one), meet with FMO (Furnishings management office) to get our loaner furniture (Fridge, W&D, microwave, bed, dressers, coffee table etc etc) and then meet our property manager at the house at 11am to pick up our keys and MOVE IN! Sianara TLF!
Ok so update on what ELSE we have been up to:
Monday (Day 6)- Fairly uneventful day for me, more in processing appointments, meetings and running around for Michael. But that night one of Michael’s academy friends, Jack, was passing through on a C-17 mission, headed home to Charleston. So we took him out for a nice German dinner! It was awesome catching up with him and hearing about all the crazy places he had been in the last few months on missions. It really is amazing too, to be reminded that we have friends in all corners of this globe. Being connected with friends this far away is such a blessing, and we were so happy to spend some time together.
Jack & Michael walking through Kaiserslautern after dinner :)
Waiting for the movers!
One of those wooden crates is ours!!
Tuesday (Day 7- ONE WEEK IN DEUTSCHLAND!) – Woke up bright and early to be dropped off in our awesome village to accept our first shipment! Roo and I had quite the scare when while waiting for them to arrive. We were walking around the backyard and Ryder, aka Daredevil Roo, or Roocifer (as Emily calls him when he is being bad) decided he wanted to explore the invisible land that begins at the short wall that ends the terrace and overlooks 2 stories down to the driveway. Difficult to explain, but basically he hopped up onto a 1-foot wide, 3 foot tall brick wall that was 2 stories up (assumingly because he thought it led somewhere). Thank GOODNESS he was on his leash because I yanked him down so fast in a PANIC that I think he picked up on my fear. Ears back, tail tucked he looked at me with the saddest eyes and all I could do was say “NO!” over and over. It was terrifying. After that scare we spent some time INDOORS waiting for the movers. They showed up and dropped everything off in an efficient and friendly manner! I was chomping at the bit to unpack, but we just got special permission from the landlord to drop off at the house and store everything in the garage until the paperwork was all officially signed.
Later that night we went to make dinner- homemade pizzas! And guess what? I bet you guessed it based on our previous record with this TLF. The oven won’t work. We have used it twice already, but now it won’t work. I am pressing every button possible, try to read the manual (which is in German, so you know, that went well), and nothing worked. We are all out of groceries, and options… so order pizza it is! The funny part- maintenance came by today to fix it and HE didn’t even know how. So, now we are oven-less. (First world problems… I know… but it just adds to the journey that is MOVING TO GERMANY!!!)
View from our terrace off the front of our house
Wednesday (Day 8)- Today another wife from Michael’s squadron picked me up and took to me this German store called Globus! It’s amazing… allow me to attempt to explain all that is Globus: Mainly a grocery store with great prices and a HUGE selection of German goods. Samples everywhere like Publix J A fresh seafood section, baked goods like WOAH, fresh breads etc etc. THEN they carry basic non-food items like office supplies, small appliances, etc. Their floral department is beautiful and CHEAP, like think 1/3 what you would expect to pay in the states for a beautiful arrangement. THEN they have a nice food court area with 1 Euro meat sandwiches (Ikea anyone?) and all sorts of other items (coffee, pastries, sandwiches, salads, pretzels, and an entire hot food line I did not even explore). And to top it all off they have a HUGE wine, beer and liquor section with amazingly cheap prices. I mean…. New favorite store for sure! And check this out: you can apply for a Globus card and get a scanner when you enter, scan all your items as you shop, and when you go to check out the scanner auto generates your receipt and you pay on the spot and leave. In Germany you bring your own reusable bags everywhere anyways, so now you toodle to your car to bag and pack your car all at once. GENIUS! I hate that I forgot to take pictures… but don’t worry I will when I go back soon!
Exciting news! I have an interview with the USO tomorrow! Still learning about the job and all that it will entail, but it is for a Volunteer Coordinator position. I would LOVE the opportunity to work for the USO and serve military members and their families, so we will see!
Nothing much more to update today. Feeling a little under the weather so taking advantage of some much needed couch time right now to gear up for an exciting few days and moving into our new place this weekend! Thank you for joining us in our journey and reading along. I cannot wait to get settled in really start exploring all that Bosenbach, and Germany, and EUROPE have to offer!
I pray we never get used to these views...