Baby makes FOUR!
Michael and I are thrilled to announce that David is going to be a BIG BROTHER! Baby Ceci #2 is due January 2021.
The Lord’s timing is just so perfect, we continue to be blown away. We thought it would be fun to move back home to Georgia with a bun in the oven, but didn’t consider the timing much because after all, how much can you really control when it comes to these things anyways? God heard the desires of our heart and sent little “Sprout” a little earlier than we had “planned” which ended up being the PERFECT timing: I got to relax under “COVID lockdown” my first trimester with many afternoons on the couch. Then when I finally hit my stride in the second trimester it was time to pack up our life in Germany and make the overseas flight home… during a pandemic… with a toddler! If I had tried to do that any more, or less, pregnant, it would have been rough to say the least. Now we are settled in Georgia surrounded by friends and family while we wait for our new home to be built (more on that soon!) that we will hopefully move into before the bump is TOO big. Either way we are blessed with many, MANY helping hands and I know we will get settled in no time. Thank you Jesus for the miracle of another life growing in my belly and for the most perfect timing we couldn’t have dreamt up ourselves!
*A sweet note about the photos- I had intended to hire a photographer to get sweet family photos in the German countryside before we moved, but with the overwhelm of everything I ended up procrastinating and running out of time (any other mom’s out there or just me?) So on one of our last nights in Germany I threw my camera, ultrasound photo and his big brother t-shirt in the car on our way to meet some friends at a German Biergarten for dinner. I took a few shots of David there but he was distracted and they weren’t great. On the way home we passed this sunflower field just a mile or two from our house and the sun was setting SO beautifully I was telling Michael how perfect photos would be right there. He INSISTED we pull over, get our toddler (who was now up an hour past bedtime) out of the car and back into his T-shirt so we could take some photos! I was skeptical, but David was happy as could be! Smiling and hamming it up for the camera. Of course the lighting was just magical. Michael was even having so much fun he stepped both in front of and behind the camera so we could each be in a few shots (which was not planned at all) but I LOVE that we have these shots! There are no coordinated outfits, not styled hair and make up… just US. Joyful, and overwhelmed, and expectant, and exhausted, and thrilled to welcome another child into this world. Moral of the story: sometimes the best moments come from no planning at all but simply being PRESENT.